How to Use "Camera" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words camera (n): a machine that takes movies or pictures


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Used with adjectives:

"I bought a disposable camera."
(disposable, underwater, digital, video)

"The photographer used a high-resolution camera."
(high-resolution, high-speed)

"Don't look at the television cameras."
(television, TV, movie)

"The military uses infrared cameras."
(infrared, night-vision, thermal)

"James Bond has a spy camera."
(spy, hidden, secret, miniature, tiny, compact)

"The criminal was caught on the security camera."
(security, closed circuit, surveillance)

Used with verbs:

"Just aim the camera and click."
(aim, point, focus)

"Do you know how to use a camera?"
(use, operate, work)

"My daughter loves to pose for the camera."
(pose for, smile for)

"You need to face the camera."
(face, look at, smile at)

"We need to install the cameras."
(install, position, set up)

"The camera filmed the crime."
(filmed, caught, captured, recorded)

"The camera focused in on her face."
(focused in on, zoomed in on)

Used with nouns:

"The camera crew was setting up for the photo shoot."
(crew, team)

"He's the camera operator."

"Where's my camera bag?"
(bag, equipment, lens)

"We need to adjust the camera angle."
(angle, position, footage)

"The movie was made with camera tricks."

"Take a picture with your camera phone."

"I was almost blinded by the camera flash."

Used with prepositions:

"She loves to be in front of the camera."
(in front of)

"It all happened on camera."
(on, off)

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