How to Use "Fall" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fall (n): an accident; a decrease; the season between summer and winter; also known as autumn


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Used with adjectives:

"She took a nasty fall off a horse."
(nasty, bad, terrible)

"There was a sharp fall in the demand for oil."
(sharp, rapid, steep, sudden, unexpected, continuing)

"There was a big fall in prices."
(big, dramatic, large, massive, significant, substantial)

"There has been a steady fall in gas prices."
(steady, modest, slight, small)

"This weather is strange for late fall."
(late, early)

"She went to Europe this past fall."
(this past, last)

"They are planning their wedding for next fall."
(next, this, this coming, the following)

Used with verbs:

"She had a nasty fall."
(had, took, suffered)

"The leaves broke his fall from the tree."
(broke, cushioned)

"Safety bars can help prevent falls."

"The economy caused the fall in market prices."
(caused, led to, triggered, contributed to)

"We saw a big fall in demand for oil."
(saw, witnessed)

"The poll showed a large fall in his approval rating."
(showed, recorded, reported)

"The biggest fall in demand occurred after the price went up."
(occurred, happened)

"The economy contributed to the fall in revenue."
(contributed to, led to, brought about, caused)

Used with prepositions:

"She broke her leg in the fall."

"She hurt her back in a fall from a tree."

Used with nouns:

"The fall weather has been beautiful."

"We took a drive to see the fall colors."
(colors, foliage, leaves)

"The fall harvest is late this year."

"She is getting ready for fall term to start."
(term, semester, quarter, classes)

Study Vocabulary Words fall (v): to move downward; to suddenly stop standing; to decrease


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Used with adverbs:

"The rain falls heavily onto the roof."
(heavily, lightly)

"Don't fall off the ladder."

"Be careful not to fall down the stairs."

"The cargo fell overboard in the storm."

"She tripped and nearly fell."
(nearly, almost)

"She fell forward into the lake."
(forward, backward)

"She slipped and fell over."
(over, down)

"Their profits are falling steadily."
(steadily, slightly)

"The stock market fell dramatically."
(dramatically, rapidly, sharply, significantly, steeply)

Used with verbs:

"He let her fall to the floor."

"Housing prices continue to fall."

Used with prepositions:

"He fell from the second story window."

"She fell into a puddle."

"There was snow falling on her face."

"The price fell to $50."

"The price rarely falls below $100."

"Their profits fell by 5% last year."

Used with nouns:

"The temperature has fallen 10 degrees since the beginning of the week."

"Attendance has fallen dramatically this year."
(attendance, participation, circulation, enrollment, population)

"Snowflakes fell onto her face."
(Snowflakes, raindrops, sunshine, sunlight)

"Rain fell steadily all day."
(rain, snow, hail)

"Their supply fell greatly this month."
(supply, demand, production, consumption)

"Profits fell significantly last year."
(profits, revenue, costs, sales, stock, prices, exports, imports, inflation, investments, spending)

"Unemployment is falling in that industry."
(unemployment, employment, productivity, turnover)

"The leaves fell from the tree."
(leaves, blossoms, fruit, branches)

"Confetti fell from the sky."
(confetti, bombs, missiles, ash)

"The tree fell in the storm."
(tree, branches, power lines)

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