How to Use "Cancer" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cancer (n): a disease where cells grow abnormally and attack healthy cells


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Used with adjectives:

"Breast cancer runs in my family."
(breast, cervical, colon, lung, prostate, skin)

"She was diagnosed with incurable cancer."
(incurable, inoperable, terminal, early-stage, childhood)

Used with verbs:

"He is suffering from lung cancer."
(be + suffering from, has)

"She developed a rare form of cancer."
(developed, got)

"Her cancer was caused by smoking for many years."
(be + caused by)

"How can we prevent cancer?"

"Women should be screened for various types of cancer."

"He was diagnosed with colon cancer."
(diagnosed with)

"They detected some cancer cells in his lungs."

"Can this cancer be cured?"
(cured, treated)

"How many people die from this type of cancer?"
(die from, die of)

"She beat cancer."
(beat, survived)

"He has been battling cancer."
(battling, fighting)

"Her cancer spread to other parts of her body."

Used with nouns:

"The doctor found cancer cells."
(cells, tissue)

"She is a cancer patient."
(patient, survivor, victim)

"There is a greater cancer risk in smokers."
(risk, incidence, rate)

"Scientists are concerned with the increase in cancer deaths."
(deaths, mortality)

"He works in cancer research."
(research, prevention, detection, diagnosis, screening)

"The cancer drug is too expensive."
(drug, medication, therapy, treatment, rehabilitation)

"Did you see a cancer specialist?"
(specialist, researcher)

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