How to Use "Cancel" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cancel (v): to decide that a planned event will not happen


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Used with nouns:

"Because of the storm, our flight was canceled."
(flight, train, concert)

"My illness made us cancel our vacation."
(vacation, trip, holiday)

"Our meeting is canceled for today."
(meeting, appointment, mission, visit, talk)

"She canceled her order at the restaurant."
(order, reservation)

"I think I'll cancel the subscription."
(subscription, membership, contract, registration)

Used with adverbs:

"The hotel accidentally canceled our reservations."
(accidentally, mistakenly, unknowingly)

"He angrily canceled his phone service."
(angrily, abruptly)

"The trip was suddenly canceled at the last minute."
(suddenly, abruptly)

"We quickly canceled our stolen checks."
(quickly, immediately)

Used with prepositions:

"The party was canceled at the last minute."

"They canceled the visit for financial reasons."
(for, over)

"The trip was canceled after the big argument."

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