How to Use "Car" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words car (n): a road vehicle with four wheels that is used for moving people or things from one place to another; an automobile; one segment of a train


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Used with adjectives:

"She loves fast cars."
(fast, sports, large, small, classic, vintage)

"We're shopping for a new car."
(new, used, pre-owned)

"He owns an electric car."
(electric, fuel-efficient, hybrid)

"My parents drive a compact car."
(compact, luxury, full-sized, mid-sized, sedan, 4-door, 2-door)

"The criminals attacked the armored car."
(armored, cop, patrol, police, squad, unmarked)

"We can't use race cars on the highway."
(race, stock)

"This job comes with a company car."

"After my accident, I had to use a rental car."

"The police chased the getaway car."
(getaway, speeding, stolen)

"There was a parked car in my driveway."

"Cows were shipped in rail cars."
(rail, railroad, train, cattle)

"This train has coal cars."
(coal, freight, baggage, dining, lounge, sleeping, smoking)

Used with verbs:

"I don't know how to drive a car."
(drive, operate)

"She has a luxury car."
(has, owns, bought)

"I need to lease a car."
(lease, rent, borrow)

"Will you trade in your car?"
(trade in, trade, sell)

"All of the students piled into the car."
(piled into, climbed into, got into, entered, exited, climbed out of, got out of)

"The police forced the car to pull over."
(pull over, stop)

"I'll back the car out of the driveway."
(back, reverse, pull)

"She swerved the car off the road."
(swerved, veered, steered)

"The car was able to overtake the other driver."
(overtake, pass)

"It's easy to lose control of your car when the roads are icy."
(lose control of, crash, wreck)

"Can we leave the car here?"
(leave, park, abandon, dump)

"I hope my car isn't towed."
(towed, towed away, impounded, stolen)

"Let's race our cars."

"When he grows up, he wants to build cars."
(build, make, manufacture, produce, design, fix, repair, service, work on)

"We'll have to take in our car for service."
(take in, bring in)

"It's time to wash your car."
(wash, clean)

"Thieves broke into my car last night."
(broke into, stole, hot-wired, vandalized)

"If it's too cold, the car won't start."
(start, run)

"After the accident, the car drove off."
(drove off, pulled away, sped off, zoomed away)

"This car accelerates slowly."
(accelerates, speeds up)

"The car slowed down when it started raining."
(slowed down, slowed, decelerated, came to a halt, stopped)

"Our car skidded on a patch of oil."
(skidded, swerved, spun)

"Her car broke down in the middle of nowhere."
(broke down, stalled, ran out of gas, crashed)

"The train is pulling a few cars."
(be + pulling, be + hauling, be + carrying)

Used with nouns:

"My car alarm is broken."
(alarm, window, door, engine, radio, horn)

"Put it in the car's trunk."
(trunk, glove box)

"My dog loves car rides."
(rides, trips)

"She doesn't want to buy from a car dealer."
(dealer, dealership, salesman, salesperson)

"Car buyers need to make the smart choice."
(buyers, shoppers)

"They were in a car wreck."
(wreck, accident, crash, chase, race)

"We'll take it to a car wash."

Used with prepositions:

"Do you go to work by car?"

"She was already in the car."

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