How to Use "Cost" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cost (n): price; money needed for something


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Used with adjectives:

"The man noticed the high cost of food."
(high, huge, increasing, rising, soaring)

"We are looking for low costs."
(low, minimal, falling)

"Please give me the full cost of the work."
(full, overall, total)

"The added cost is in small print."
(added, additional, extra, hidden)

"The average cost does not include taxes."

"What is the real cost of the damage?"
(real, likely, true)

"What is the annual cost?"
(annual, monthly)

Used with verbs:

"The project has a huge cost."
(has, carries)

"The company will bear the cost."
(bear, cover, meet, pay)

"The accident will drive up the cost."
(drive up, increase, push up)

"How can I bring down the cost?"
(bring down, cut, decrease, drive down, lower, keep down)

"Can you afford the cost of health insurance?"

"We should share the cost."
(share, split)

Used with prepositions:

"The cost to the people will be very high."

"The cost of living is low."

"We're looking at a cost of $10,000."

Used with nouns:

"We are looking into cost savings."
(savings, reduction)

"They are expecting a cost increase."

Study Vocabulary Words cost (v): to have a certain value


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Used with nouns:

"The ticket costs too much."
(ticket, fare, repair, work)

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