How to Use "Carpet" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words carpet (n): soft material used to cover the floor


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Used with adjectives:

"The hotel room has shag carpet."
(shag, soft, thick, oriental, Persian)

"We should replace the stained carpet."
(stained, worn, frayed, dirty)

"The story was about a flying carpet."
(flying, magic)

"The house has wall-to-wall carpet."

"We decided to install patterned carpet."
(patterned, wool, plain)

Used with verbs:

"This company makes carpet."
(makes, weaves, installs, lays)

"We need to clean the carpet."
(clean, vacuum, wash, shampoo, replace)

"We rolled up the carpet to see what was underneath."
(rolled up, rolled back, pulled up, unrolled)

Used with nouns:

"I need to purchase a roll of carpet."
(roll, piece)

"We like this carpet design."
(design, pattern, style)

"They're installing carpet tiles."
(tiles, runners, tacks)

"I'm a carpet cleaner."
(cleaner, sweeper, manufacturer, weaver)

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