How to Use "Cat" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cat (n): a small animal with fur and sharp claws that is often kept as a pet


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Used with adjectives:

"Domestic cats are popular in our neighborhood."
(domestic, house, pet)

"Lions are big cats."
(big, large, feral, wild)

"There are too many stray cats around here."
(stray, alley)

Used with verbs:

"Do you have a cat?"
(have, keep, own, want)

"Don't forget to feed the cat."

"We should probably neuter our cat."
(neuter, spay, put down)

"She loves to stroke her cat."
(stroke, pet)

"Your cat hissed at me."
(hissed, meowed, purred)

"His cat bites."
(bites, scratches)

"Our cat catches mice."
(catches, hunts, stalks, chases)

"The cat jumped on the mouse."
(jumped, leaped, pounced)

Used with nouns:

"She goes out through the cat door."

"We need to buy some cat food."
(food, litter, toys)

"Clean up this cat hair."
(hair, dander)

"She is a cat lover."
(lover, person, owner)

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