How to Use "Category" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words category (n): a type or group of people or things with common features


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Used with adjectives:

"Business is a broad category of occupation."
(broad, general, large, wide, basic)

"Books are divided in the library into narrow categories."
(narrow, small, specific)

"Everyone was put into one category."
(one, a single, a special, a specific, a different, a distinct, a separate)

"These voters are put into age categories."
(age, racial, ethnic, religious, social, gender, income)

"Wrestlers were put into weight categories."
(weight, size)

"This is an important category."
(important, high-risk, dangerous)

Used with verbs:

"Our school belongs in the category of best colleges."
(belongs in, falls into, fits into)

"They formed a category for best new artist."
(formed, made)

"Scientists create new categories for certain discoveries."
(create, define, develop, establish, invent, indentify)

"This category consists of all people with low incomes."
(consists of, contains, comprises, includes, is made up of)

Used with prepositions:

"She won an award in the best singer category."

"There is a separate category for senior citizens."

"They were put in the category of highest paid employees."

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