How to Use "Catch" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words catch (n): something noticed; the act of grabbing hold of a moving object


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Used with adjectives:

"The football player made an awesome catch."
(awesome, good, nice, spectacular, difficult, tough, game-winning)

"The fisherman had a big catch today."
(big, good, huge, large, record, small)

Used with verbs:

"The baseball player dropped the catch."
(dropped, missed)

"He made a great catch."
(made, landed)

Used with prepositions:

"He had a huge catch of fish."

Study Vocabulary Words catch (v): to notice; to grab hold of a moving object


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Used with nouns:

"Her sweater catches my eye."
(eye, attention)

"The camera caught the entire thing."

"The police caught the thief."
(police, detective)

"Did they catch the killer?"
(killer, thief, murderer, crook, villain, bad guy, suspect, criminal, robber)

"I think I caught a cold."
(cold, virus, bug, infection, disease)

"Do you want to catch a movie?"
(movie, film, train, bus, taxi, ride)

"She caught the ball."
(ball, frisbee, football, baseball, ball)

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