How to Use "Chance" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words chance (n): a possibility; an opportunity; a risk; luck


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Used with adjectives:

"There's a good chance our office will get the contract."
(good, excellent, high, real, strong)

"There's a decent chance of rain this weekend."
(decent, fair, reasonable, solid, minimal, slight)

"We have a fighting chance to win this game."
(fighting, legitimate, realistic)

"It's a small chance, but I'll take it."
(small, remote, slender, slim, tiny)

"We have little chance of victory."
(little, no, zero, fifty-fifty)

"What are the soldier's survival chances?"

"The candidate has a small election chance."

"The player's injury could hurt the team's playoff chances."
(playoff, championship, postseason)

"Men and women must be given an equal chance."
(equal, fair)

"This is a wonderful chance for you."
(wonderful, great, good, big, golden, once-in-a-lifetime, rare, unique)

"I'll give you one final chance."
(final, last)

"There are no second chances in life-threatening situations."

"I met my wife by mere chance."
(mere, pure, sheer, random, lucky, happy)

"The company's failure was due to unlucky chance."

Used with verbs:

"Just give me a chance and you won't be sorry."
(give, offer, allow)

"Do we stand a chance?"
(stand, have)

"How would you rate their chances of winning?"
(rate, score, assess)

"This could really boost my chance for success."
(boost, enhance, improve, increase, maximize, raise, help)

"A mistake could compromise her chances for a promotion."
(compromise, hurt, decrease, jeopardize, lessen, minimize, reduce, ruin, spoil, risk)

"The enemy's new weapon has destroyed our chance of winning the war."
(destroyed, eliminated, killed, ended)

"Everyone deserves a chance in life."
(deserves, needs)

"Did you have a chance to see the Grand Canyon?"
(have, get)

"Thank you for offering me the chance of a lifetime."
(offering me, affording me, providing me with)

"She's still awaiting her big chance."
(awaiting, waiting for, hoping for)

"My broken leg denied me the chance to compete."

"If you spot your chance, take it!"
(spot, see)

"She jumped at the chance of a new challenge."
(jumped at, seized, grabbed, took)

"The team blew their chances."
(blew, forfeited, lost, missed, passed up, threw away, wasted)

"You must be ready when a life-changing chance arises."
(arises, comes up)

"We'll have to take a chance."

"He never leaves anything to chance."

Used with prepositions:

"What are the chances of victory?"

"I think we have a good chance for success."
(for, at)

"You should take a chance on her."
(on, with)

"The scientists wanted to make sure the results weren't due to chance."
(due to)

"We found it through chance."
(through, by)

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