How to Use "Change" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words change (n): something that is different; coin money; the money returned when too much is paid


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Used with adjectives:

"Having a baby is a big change in my life."
(big, considerable, major, substantial, important, significant)

"The company plans to make dramatic changes."
(dramatic, drastic, massive, systematic)

"Her new hair style is a significant change for her."
(noticeable, nice, pleasant)

"We made cosmetic changes to our house."
(cosmetic, minimal, minor, slight, small, subtle)

"The government is hoping for lasting changes in the economy."
(lasting, long-term, permanent, short-term, gradual)

"His attitude went through an abrupt change."
(abrupt, rapid, sudden)

"They think the net changes have been positive."
(net, overall, global)

"The office is hoping for beneficial changes with the new manager."
(beneficial, desirable, effective, exciting, positive, refreshing, welcome)

"My grandfather sees this as an unwelcome change."
(unwelcome, negative)

"What's the reason for the unexpected changes?"
(unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen)

"They will meet to discuss climate changes."
(climate, constitutional, governmental, cultural, economic, scientific, social)

"He's hoping to make a career change."
(career, lifestyle, name)

"The man asked me if I had any spare change."
(spare, loose)

Used with verbs:

"It's time to make a change."
(make, implement, initiate, introduce, embrace)

"The war forced a change in policy."
(forced, brought, caused, effected, produced, triggered)

"She wants to prevent any changes."
(wants to prevent, is opposed to, resists)

"Has the city undergone much change?"

"He has detected a change in his wife's attitude."
(detected, noticed, noted, observed, seen)

"Changes often come when there is a new president."
(come, happen, occur, take place)

"The school change has affected her performance."

"The management change will result in better production."
(will result in, will lead to)

"You should always check your change before leaving."
(check, count)

"The cashier forgot to give me my change."
(give, hand)

"She let the waitress keep the change."
(keep, have, take)

Used with prepositions:

"I think this change is for the better."

"Have you noticed a change in his personality?"

"Hopefully, the change of governor will help the city."

"Did you make a change to your appearance?"
(to, in)

"This sports car is a change from your regular car."

Study Vocabulary Words change (v): to make something different; to become different


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Used with adverbs:

"The weather has changed dramatically."
(dramatically, considerably, drastically, a lot, significantly, substantially)

"The law will drastically change the way people do business."
(drastically, fundamentally, greatly)

"She totally changed her hairstyle."
(totally, completely, slightly)

"He is always changing his mind."
(always, constantly, continuously)

"Life has changed little in this small town."
(little, fast, overnight, rapidly, suddenly)

"He is gradually changing his mind about school."
(gradually, slowly)

Used with prepositions:

"She changed from a singer to an actress."

"Would you like to change to that table by the window?"

"Let me change out of this dress."
(out of, into)

Used with nouns:

"He needs to change his attitude."
(attitude, behavior, personality, approach)

"It's time to change the battery in the smoke alarm."

"I'm thinking about changing careers."
(careers, jobs)

"She keeps changing her mind."
(mind, expectations, opinion)

"They keep changing the date."
(date, arrangement, format, rules, law, plan, setting, story)

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