How to Use "Chemical" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words chemical (n): unnatural substance


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Used with adjectives:

"We try to avoid synthetic chemicals."
(synthetic, household)

"The factory dumped dangerous chemicals into the river."
(dangerous, harmful, hazardous, toxic, poisonous, volatile, industrial)

Used with verbs:

"They manufacture chemicals."
(manufacture, create, make, produce)

"The government needs to control where chemicals are dumped."
(be + dumped, be + released, be + disposed)

"This food contains chemicals."

"We don't use chemicals on our farm."

"The vegetables may have been exposed to chemicals."
(exposed to)

Used with nouns:

"We don't want a chemical factory near our home."
(factory, plant)

"They were developing chemical weapons."
(weapons, bombs)

"The chemical industry should be regulated."
(industry, business, company)

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