How to Use "Campaign" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words campaign (n): organized activities over a period of time to achieve a certain goal


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Used with adjectives:

"The politician ran a big campaign."
(big, huge, major, massive, lengthy, long)

"It was an effective campaign."
(effective, successful, ineffective, unsuccessful)

"They ran a bitter campaign."
(bitter, fierce, vicious, aggressive, intense, vigorous)

"We formed a joint campaign."
(joint, official, public)

"Her congressional campaign was successful."
(congressional, presidential, political, election, re-election)

"The Democratic campaign will be very competitive."
(Democratic, Republican, conservative, liberal)

"He ran an ad campaign to get more publicity."
(ad, advertising, marketing, promotional, media, press, print, television, TV)

"We were very successful with our fundraising campaign."
(fundraising, lobbying, literacy, anti-drug, recruitment)

Used with verbs:

"They began a lengthy campaign."
(began, initiated, launched, mounted, started)

"They conducted a clean campaign."
(conducted, waged, fought, ran, undertook, executed)

"We need to organize a new campaign."
(organize, plan, orchestrate, manage, create, design)

"Will you join our campaign?"
(join, support, take part in, finance, sponsor, fund, donate to)

"Near the end they intensified their campaigns."
(intensified, stepped up)

"Her campaign aimed at changing an unfair law."
(aimed at, focused on, targeted, called for, demanded)

"His campaign failed."
(failed, succeeded)

Used with nouns:

"I am her campaign aide."
(aide, manager, strategist)

"Who is on your campaign team?"
(team, staff)

"This is our campaign headquarters."
(headquarters, office, bus)

"This has become an important campaign issue."
(issue, promise)

"He ran a lot of campaign ads."
(ads, commercials)

"We need more campaign contributions."
(contributions, donations, financing, contributors, funds)

"The campaign trail will be long and difficult."

Used with prepositions:

"He ran a hard campaign against his opponent."

"The campaign by the candidate was hard-fought."
(by, from)

"We are campaigning for more parks in the city."

"I hardly slept during the campaign."

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