How to Use "Child" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words child (n): a young person who is not yet an adult; a young boy or girl


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Used with adjectives:

"I'm writing a book for young children."
(young, small, little, teenage, preschool, school)

"You have very good children."
(good, obedient, well-behaved, bright, intelligent, gifted, precocious)

"This child is aggressive."
(aggressive, difficult, disobedient, naughty, unruly, spoiled)

"She works with abused children."
(abused, at-risk, malnourished, neglected, disadvantaged, underprivileged)

"This charity helps sickly children."
(sickly, autistic, disabled, dyslexic, hyperactive, special-needs)

"She is just an innocent child."
(innocent, newborn)

"She is the only child."
(only, oldest, eldest, youngest)

"The law protects unborn children."
(unborn, illegitimate, orphaned, fatherless, motherless)

"There are tax credits for dependent children."

Used with verbs:

"Would you like to have a child?"
(have, raise, adopt, foster, mentor, conceive)

"Are you expecting a child?"
(be + expecting, be + having)

"It was very painful for her to lose her child."
(lose, miscarry)

"Don't spoil your children."
(spoil, indulge, pamper, neglect, mistreat, abuse)

"I love my child."
(love, adore)

"It's rewarding to educate a child."
(educate, teach)

"Their child was kidnapped."
(be + kidnapped, be + abducted, be + disciplined, be + punished, be + scolded, be + abandoned)

"When was your child born?"
(be + born, be + conceived)

"Children grow so quickly."
(grow, develop)

"Our child screamed in the store."
(screamed, cried, whined, whimpered, misbehaved)

Used with nouns:

"She was a child actor."
(actor, star, prodigy)

"I'm studying child development."
(development, safety, welfare, psychology)

"He refuses to pay child support."

"The law needs to be tougher on child abuse."
(abuse, labor)

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