How to Use "Childhood" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words childhood (n): the time when a person is a child


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Used with adjectives:

"I had a wonderful childhood."
(wonderful, carefree, good, happy, fun, easy, normal)

"Did you have a difficult childhood?"
(difficult, lonely, rough, tough, traumatic, troubled, unhappy)

"I lived in New York during my early childhood."
(early, late)

Used with verbs:

"I want my daughter to have a happy childhood."
(have, live, lead)

"Where did you spend your childhood?"

"She can't remember her childhood."
(remember, recall)

"Some children lose their childhood too early."

Used with nouns:

"We often distort our childhood memories."
(memories, experiences)

"What was your childhood fantasy?"
(fantasy, dream)

"He suffered from childhood abuse."
(abuse, trauma)

"She married her childhood friend."
(friend, sweetheart, crush)

"We sold our childhood home."

"He treats childhood diseases."
(diseases, obesity, cancer)

Used with prepositions:

"She lost her parents during early childhood."
(during, in)

"She has no memories from her childhood."
(from, of)

"He moved all throughout his childhood."

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