How to Use "Clock" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words clock (n): a machine that shows the time


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Used with adjectives:

"Is this clock accurate?"
(accurate, correct)

"I prefer digital clocks."
(digital, analog, electric, atomic)

"She wants to buy an alarm clock."
(alarm, cuckoo, grandfather, wall)

"Traveling confuses my biological clock."
(biological, body, internal)

Used with verbs:

"We need to reset our clocks."
(reset, set, wind, turn back, turn forward, calibrate, synchronize)

"He stopped the clock at the end of the game."

"He glanced at his clock before speaking."
(glanced at, looked at, checked)

"Her alarm clock was beeping loudly."
(be + beeping, be + buzzing, be + chiming, be + ticking)

"This clock keeps time accurately."
(keeps time)

"What does the clock say?"
(say, tell)

Used with nouns:

"They are repairing the clock tower."
(tower, face, radio)

Used with prepositions:

"We're working against the clock."
(against, around, round)

"It's noon on my clock."
(on, by, according to)

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