How to Use "Close" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words close (v): to shut something


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Used with adverbs:

"She firmly closed her eyes."
(firmly, tightly)

"Please close the door quietly."
(quietly, gently, silently, softly)

"The building will be closed off."
(off, down, up)

Study Vocabulary Words close (adv): at a short distance away


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Used with verbs:

"My dog stays close to me when there's a thunderstorm."
(stays, keeps, comes, moves, gets, stands)

"She hugged me close before she left."
(hugged, held, pulled)

"We have grown close."
(grown, become, remained)

Study Vocabulary Words close (adj): near; affectionate; careful; almost the same


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Used with adverbs:

"The school is very close to your house."
(very, fairly, quite, reasonably, relatively)

"That car came dangerously close to us."
(dangerously, awfully, frighteningly, uncomfortably, terribly)

"The countries are geographically close."
(geographically, politically, economically, ideologically)

"Our houses are close together."

"The two sisters are extremely close."
(extremely, remarkably, very, quite)

Used with nouns:

"He is a close friend."
(friend, colleague, relative, associate, companion)

"It was a really close fight."
(fight, game, match, election, competition, score, contest)

"I've made my decision after close consideration."
(consideration, examination, observation, investigation, monitoring, watch, study)

Used with prepositions:

"She is very close to her sister."

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