How to Use "Correct" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words correct (v): to fix something; to make something right or accurate


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Used with nouns:

"Please correct the spelling."
(spelling, errors, grammar, mistakes, problems)

"We need to correct the misunderstanding."
(misunderstanding, situation)

"The teacher is correcting the homework."
(homework, tests, exams)

"Please correct your work and return it tomorrow."

Used with adverbs:

"She is always correcting my grammar."
(always, constantly)

"He never corrects his mistakes."
(never, rarely)

"I'm simply correcting your mistakes again."
(simply, just)

Used with verbs:

"Stop correcting me!"

"He keeps correcting my grammar in public."
(keeps, continues to)

"I need to correct my errors."
(need to, must, have to)

"She likes correcting me when I'm wrong."
(likes, enjoys)

Study Vocabulary Words correct (adj): right or accurate


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Used with adjectives:

"Your answer is correct."
(be: is/am/are, seems, proves)

Used with adverbs:

"What you said is technically correct."
(technically, basically, clearly, morally, legally)

"You are absolutely correct."
(absolutely, completely, entirely, perfectly, quite)

"Your statement is grammatically correct."

Used with nouns:

"Do you have the correct address?"
(address, answer, guess, information, number, order, password, pronunciation, size, spelling)

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