How to Use "Customer" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words customer (n): someone who pays money for products or services


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Used with adjectives:

"She is a big customer."
(big, good, important, key, major)

"We respect our long-standing customers."
(long-standing, long-time, loyal, valued, regular)

"The restroom is only for paying customers."

"The clerk tried to help the unhappy customer."
(unhappy, angry, dissatisfied)

"We want happy customers."
(happy, satisfied, new)

"We have many domestic customers."
(domestic, foreign, international, overseas, corporate, retail)

Used with verbs:

"They have great customers."

"The customer service department deals with many customers."
(deals with, helps, serves, services)

"We hope the sign will attract new customers."
(attract, draw, get)

"We can't afford to lose a customer."

"The goal is to keep customers."
(keep, retain, satisfy)

Used with nouns:

"This company has great customer care."
(care, service, support)

"The customer agreement explains the return policy."

"What are the customer demands?"
(demands, needs)

"We want customer satisfaction."

"Her job is to handle customer complaints."
(complaints, questions, concerns)

"Customer feedback is very important."
(feedback, loyalty)

"Please contact our customer hotline with questions."

"I completed a customer survey."

"We lost our customer information."
(information, data, records)

"We need to increase our customer base."
(base, list)

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