How to Use "Death" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words death (n): the end of life


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Used with adjectives:

"He suffered an early death."
(early, premature, untimely)

"The accident caused sudden death."
(sudden, unexpected, immediate, instant, quick)

"Cancer can be a slow death."
(slow, lingering, painful)

"War causes unnecessary death."
(unnecessary, needless, senseless)

"She suffered a gruesome death."
(gruesome, ugly, brutal, violent, horrible, horrific, terrible, tragic)

"The family wants to investigate his mysterious death."
(mysterious, unexplained, suspicious, accidental)

Used with verbs:

"Smoking will cause death."
(cause, lead to, result in)

"The old woman was ready to face death."
(face, meet)

"The man is near death."
(be + near)

"Nurses experience death every day."
(experience, witness)

"He suffered a painful death."
(suffered, experienced, risked, feared)

"They are grieving the death of their grandmother."
(be + grieving, be + mourning)

"Police are investigating the suspicious deaths."
(be + investigating)

"More deaths occur during the holidays."
(occur, happen)

Used with nouns:

"That country has a high death rate."
(rate, count, toll)

"The murderer will face the death penalty."
(penalty, sentence)

"He is on death row."

"I received her death certificate."

"He is on his deathbed."

"The military has a death squad."

"He received death threats over his political views."

Used with prepositions:

"The animal was near death."

"He revised his will before his death."

"The building was sold after his death."

"Many children suffer death from abuse."
(from, by)

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