How to Use "Dangerous" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words dangerous (adj): not safe; possibly causing harm or injury


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Used with verbs:

"The situation is dangerous."
(be: is/am/are, feels, looks, seems, sounds)

"Driving becomes dangerous when it snows."
(becomes, gets)

"The bridge remained dangerous after the earthquake."

"He is considered armed and dangerous."
(be + considered, be + regarded as)

Used with adverbs:

"The situation is extremely dangerous."
(extremely, very, really, highly, incredibly, terribly)

"Motorcycles are a little dangerous."
(a little, slightly, fairly)

"Boxing is possibly dangerous to the brain."
(possibly, potentially)

Used with prepositions:

"It's dangerous for you."

"Chocolate is dangerous to dogs."

Used with nouns:

"Be careful of the dangerous animal."
(animal, dog, criminal)

"Being a stuntman is a dangerous business."
(business, job, occupation)

"They use dangerous chemicals on fruits."
(chemicals, pesticides, substances)

"That is a dangerous neighborhood."
(neighborhood, place, road, route, situation, street, stunt, weapon)

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