How to Use "Depression" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words depression (n): a state of extreme sadness; a period of poor economy and poverty


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Used with adjectives:

"She was diagnosed for severe depression."
(severe, serious, deep)

"The man suffered mild depression after the divorce."
(mild, minor, moderate)

"There was a great depression years ago."
(great, major, serious, severe, economic)

Used with verbs:

"The woman developed depression after the loss of her child."
(developed, experienced, had, suffered from, fell into, went into, was treated for)

"He needs to overcome depression."
(overcome, come out of, get over)

"The weather can cause depression."
(cause, lead to, trigger)

"Exercise can relieve depression."
(relieve, alleviate, reduce, treat)

"How can we prevent depression?"

"Depression affects many people."

"The country faced an economic depression many years ago."
(faced, experienced, suffered, went into, fell into)

Used with prepositions:

"She is being treated for depression."

"Her mother lives with depression."
(with, in)

"Many people did not have jobs during the depression."

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