How to Use "Difference" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words difference (n): the way in which things are not the same


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Used with adjectives:

"That is the big difference between them."
(big, considerable, real, sharp)

"The basic difference is their views on the topic."
(basic, fundamental, crucial, important, key, main, significant)

"We believe the clear difference is their values."
(clear, distinct, notable, obvious, striking, apparent)

"It is only a minor difference."
(minor, slight, small, subtle)

"They pointed out the age difference."
(age, class, cultural, ethnic, gender, physical, racial, social, political, temperature, time)

"There is one major difference."

Used with verbs:

"Students can make a difference."

"We appreciate the difference between the two artists."
(appreciate, recognize, see, understand)

"Can you feel the difference?"

"Can you explain the difference?"
(explain, demonstrate, illustrate, show, compare)

Used with prepositions:

"The difference among the two pictures was minor."
(among, between, with)

"His parents could see the difference from the other children."

"He couldn't believe the difference in price."

"The difference with our company is our work ethic."

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