How to Use "Different" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words different (adj): not the same


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Used with verbs:

"Our friendship is different now."
(be: is/am/are, feels, seems, appears)

"Her voice sounds different."

"The apples taste different."
(taste, look)

Used with adverbs:

"The two brothers are very different."
(very, far, clearly, significantly, completely, entirely, quite, totally)

"Our views are rather different."
(rather, somewhat, slightly, subtly)

Used with prepositions:

"Animals are different from humans."
(from, than)

Used with nouns:

"Those clothes are from a different age."
(age, country, era, fashion, time, generation)

"He follows a different method."
(method, path, strategy)

"Look at the situation from a different outlook."
(outlook, perspective, point of view, standpoint, viewpoint)

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