How to Use "Disaster" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words disaster (n): a terrible event or situation


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Used with adjectives:

"The city suffered an awful disaster."
(awful, big, great, horrible, huge, large-scale, major, massive, terrible, deadly)

"It was the worst disaster in history."

"This project could be a possible disaster."
(possible, potential)

"We are not ready for future disasters."

"The unforeseen disaster surprised us."
(unforeseen, unexpected)

"It became a global disaster."
(global, national)

"An Earthquake is a natural disaster."

"We are not prepared for a flood disaster."
(flood, hurricane, nuclear, tsunami)

"It was the biggest human disaster."
(human, humanitarian)

"They've called it an economic disaster."
(economic, financial, social)

"The hurricane was a costly disaster."

"The party was an absolute disaster."
(absolute, complete, total, real, utter)

"His company was a business disaster."
(business, economic, financial, political, public)

Used with verbs:

"We don't know what caused the disaster."
(caused, created, led to)

"How can we avoid disaster?"
(avoid, prevent)

"The police didn't anticipate the disaster."
(anticipate, foresee, predict)

"The ship is heading for disaster."
(be + heading for)

"People have a hard time facing disaster."

"The city experienced a disaster."
(experienced, suffered)

"The family has handled disaster."
(handled, overcome, survived)

"The battle ended in disaster."
(ended in, resulted in)

"Disaster can happen without warning."
(happen, occur, strike, take place)

"The dinner turned out to be a disaster."
(turned out to be, became, turned into)

Used with nouns:

"Stay out of the disaster area."
(area, site, zone)

"The charity organization will send disaster aid."
(aid, assistance, relief, response)

"Follow the disaster plan."

"He works in disaster management."

"Our group has a disaster fund."

"She is a disaster victim."
(victim, survivor)

Used with prepositions:

"It's important to ask for help in a disaster."

"The party was a disaster for the host."

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