How to Use "Discipline" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words discipline (n): the control you have over your behavior and desires


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Used with adjectives:

"The teacher uses effective discipline."
(effective, firm, good)

"I don't believe in harsh discipline."
(harsh, strict)

"The child has poor discipline at home."

"Student discipline has improved."
(student, team)

"Following rules is a part of military discipline."
(military, school, social, work, parental)

"The dancer has good discipline."
(good, great, strict, personal, mental, spiritual, physical)

"Financial discipline can keep a business successful."
(financial, fiscal, market, monetary)

Used with verbs:

"He enforces strict discipline."
(enforces, exercises, imposes)

"Parents need to instill discipline."

"Children learn discipline."
(learn, have, need)

"Her kids lack discipline."

"We need to maintain discipline in the classrooms."
(maintain, restore)

"He has great discipline."
(has, shows, applies, brings)

"This job demands mental discipline."
(demands, requires, takes)

Used with nouns:

"The class has discipline problems."

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