How to Use "Dish" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words dish (n): a shallow container to hold food; the general collection of plates, bowls, and utensils; food made in a certain way


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Used with adjectives:

"Could you find me a deep dish?"
(deep, flat, shallow, baking, roasting, serving)

"They used paper dishes at the party."
(paper, metal, plastic, glass)

"I need to bake it in a casserole dish."
(casserole, pie)

"Do we have any clean dishes?"
(clean, washed)

"Could you take care of the dirty dishes?"
(dirty, unwashed)

"The main dish will be served soon."
(main, side)

"Her favorite dish is roast beef."

"She made a delicious dish."
(delicious, tasty, wonderful, popular, simple, classic, traditional)

"His top pick is a savory dish."
(savory, sweet, spicy, cold, hot)

"Could you pass me the cheese dish?"
(cheese, egg, fish, meat, pasta, rice, seafood, vegetable)

Used with verbs:

"Her teenagers will clean the dishes."
(clean, do, wash, dry, clear, put away)

"He will cook the dishes for the party."
(cook, make, prepare)

"The restaurant serves unique dishes."

"Which dish do you eat here?"
(eat, recommend, order)

"I haven't tried that dish."
(tried, sampled, tasted)

Used with prepositions:

"Put the chicken in a deep dish."

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