How to Use "Disease" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words disease (n): an illness


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Used with adjectives:

"He has a common disease."
(common, rare, dangerous, serious, mild, chronic, severe)

"Cancer can be a deadly disease."
(deadly, fatal, incurable, killer, life-threatening, terminal, curable, treatable, preventable)

"He contracted a contagious disease."
(contagious, infectious)

"Diabetes is a genetic disease."
(genetic, hereditary, inherited)

"Her aunt has heart disease."
(heart, liver)

"Depression is a mental disease."

"He has a bacterial disease."
(bacterial, viral)

Used with verbs:

"Does he have a disease?"
(have, suffer from)

"We do not want to catch a disease."
(catch, contract, develop, get)

"The patient will not die from this disease."
(die from, die of)

"What causes this disease?"

"Bugs can carry disease."
(carry, pass on, spread, transmit, inherit)

"How can we fight this disease?"
(fight, control, manage, prevent, cure)

"How was the disease diagnosed?"
(diagnosed, detected, spread)

Used with prepositions:

"There are many people with this disease."

"He has a disease of the nervous system."

"Can it cause diseases in humans?"

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