How to Use "Dog" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words dog (n): a furry animal with four legs and a tail that is often kept as a pet


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Used with adjectives:

"Domestic dogs can be housetrained."
(domestic, family, pet)

"Be careful around stray dogs."
(stray, wild, dangerous)

"His dog is friendly."
(friendly, well-behaved, well-trained)

"She has a pure-bred dog."
(pure-bred, puppy, toy, lap)

"That dog is trained to be a hunting dog."
(hunting, guide, police, drug-sniffing, attack, guard, rescue, show)

Used with verbs:

"Do you have a dog?"
(have, own)

"She trains dogs."
(train, breeds)

"Remember to feed the dog."
(feed, walk, pet)

"They had to put down the dog."
(put down)

"The veterinarian will neuter our dog."
(neuter, spay)

"The neighbor's dog barks."
(barks, howls, pants, whines, growls, snarls)

"Our dog likes to run."
(run, walk, leap, roam, wander, lick, bite, chew, sniff, scratch)

Used with nouns:

"Give him a dog biscuit."
(biscuit, treat)

"We need to buy dog food."

"Don't forget the dog collar."
(collar, leash)

"We're taking him to the dog pound."
(pound, show, track, park)

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