How to Use "Earn" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words earn (v): to get money for work; to gain something for one's actions


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Used with verbs:

"I need to earn enough money to pay my rent."
(need to, have to)

"She expects to earn $40 for babysitting."
(expects to, hopes to, wants to)

"I have to earn a place on the team."
(have to, need to)

"He tries to earn the respect of his students."
(tries to, seeks to, wants to, hopes to)

Used with adverbs:

"I consistently earn enough money to put some into a savings account."
(consistently, always, usually, should)

"He quickly earned his students' respect."

"She rightfully earned that award."
(rightfully, truly, really)

Used with prepositions:

"I bought a new shirt with money I earned from babysitting."
(from, by, through)

Used with nouns:

"She earned approval for the job she did."
(approval, praise, respect, recognition, a promotion)

"The stock earned profits this year."
(a profit, interest, revenue, money)

"She earns a high salary at her job."
(salary, wage)

"He earned a degree from a good school."
(degree, diploma, certificate)

"She earned credits for college."

"Her actions earned her fame."
(fame, esteem, notoriety, applause)

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