How to Use "Employment" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words employment (n): a job; work done for pay


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Used with adjectives:

"He hopes seasonal employment will lead to a permanent position."
(seasonal, short-term, part-time, temporary)

"She is seeking full-time employment in the fashion industry."
(full-time, permanent, steady, regular)

"This city has a high employment rate."
(high, low)

Used with verbs:

"He is looking for employment at a university."
(be + looking for, be + seeking)

"The students found employment on campus."
(found, hoped for, wanted)

"New companies should increase employment in the area."
(increase, raise)

"The building project will create many employment opportunities."
(create, provide)

"This company guarantees employment to successful interns."
(guarantees, provides, offers)

"The company terminated his employment."
(terminated, suspended)

"Employment opportunities are increasing for young adults."
(be + increasing, be + growing)

"Employment declined when the economy was bad."
(declined, fell)

Used with nouns:

"There are very few employment opportunities in this town."
(opportunities, options, prospects, possibilities)

"It is hard to get a good job without any employment history."

"The government is looking at employment rates."
(rates, levels, data, figures, records, statistics, patterns, trends)

"An employment agency can help you get a job."
(agency, service, program)

"New employment policies should protect workers."
(policies, laws)

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Next Word by Letter: empty
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