How to Use "Emergency" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words emergency (n): a serious or dangerous situation, a last-minute response


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Used with adjectives:

"A house fire is a serious emergency."
(serious, real, major)

"In a life-threatening emergency, you should call 911."
(life-threatening, extreme)

"She missed work because of a sudden emergency."
(sudden, unexpected)

"They declared a local emergency after the hurricane."
(local, state, regional, national, international)

"He missed the test because of a medical emergency."
(medical, family)

Used with verbs:

"He had a family emergency and needed to leave early."

"Firefighters have to deal with many emergencies."
(deal with, respond to, handle)

"The Red Cross is helping with the emergency."
(be + helping)

"The president declared an emergency after the hurricane."

"A heart attack is a medical emergency."
(be: is/am/are)

"Call 911 when an emergency happens."
(happens, occurs, arises)

Used with nouns:

"Call 911 in an emergency situation."

"The emergency response happened quickly."
(response, action)

"After the hurricane, police put the emergency plan into effect."
(plan, procedure)

"Police, fire and medical are types of emergency services."

"They called an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis."
(meeting, session)

"Emergency supplies have been sent to the disaster zone."
(supplies, funds, equipment)

"They need a lot of emergency assistance to deal with the crisis."
(assistance, aid, relief)

"They had to make an emergency evacuation when the alarm went off."
(evacuation, shutdown)

"Put your emergency kit where it can be easily found."
(kit, checklist, supplies, gear)

"She went to the emergency room when she burned her hand."

"The Red Cross has opened an emergency shelter for the victims."

"The airplane had to make an emergency landing."

"The emergency exits should be marked."

Used with prepositions:

"We have to evacuate the building in an emergency."
(in, during)

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