How to Use "Emotion" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words emotion (n): a strong feeling


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Used with adjectives:

"She felt strong emotions after her father's death."
(strong, powerful, deep, overwhelming)

"He showed genuine emotion today."
(genuine, real, true)

"Bad memories can cause painful emotions."
(painful, negative, violent)

"She had conflicting emotions about moving."
(conflicting, mixed)

"His suppressed emotions came out in the argument."
(suppressed, hidden)

"Sadness is a normal human emotion."

Used with nouns:

"Her face didn't show any trace of emotion."
(trace of, hint of)

"A flood of emotions suddenly came over her."
(flood of, rush of, wave of)

Used with verbs:

"She felt many emotions after her dog died."
(felt, experienced, had)

"He was overcome with emotion."
(be + overcome, be + filled)

"The killer lacked any emotion."
(lacked, be + devoid of)

"He isn't very good at showing his emotions."
(showing, expressing, displaying, sharing)

"Releasing your emotions may help you feel better."
(releasing, channeling, understanding, letting go)

"Tears in his eyes revealed his true emotions."
(revealed, showed, exposed)

"She has a hard time controlling her emotions."
(controlling, coping with, managing, handling, fighting, dealing with)

"The attack stirred up strong emotions."
(stirred up, triggered, provoked)

"He always hides his emotions in public."
(hides, conceals, suppresses, masks)

Used with prepositions:

"He reacted without emotion."
(without, with)

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