How to Use "Empty" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words empty (adj): having nothing inside


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Used with verbs:

"This bag feels empty."
(feels, seems, looks, appears, be: is/am/are)

"The box is empty."
(be: is/am/are)

"This shelf should stay empty."
(stay, remain)

Used with adverbs:

"The box of cereal is almost empty."
(almost, nearly, mostly)

"The shopping mall is virtually empty early in the morning."
(virtually, practically)

"The hungry kids left the picnic basket completely empty."
(completely, entirely, totally)

"This bus is relatively empty compared to the last one."
(relatively, fairly, rather, quite)

Used with nouns:

"He left the empty dish on the table."
(dish, cup, container, plate, bowl, glass, mug)

"She put the empty bottles in the trash bin."
(bottles, wrappers, boxes, cans, packets, container)

"The empty apartment was scary at night."
(apartment, house, hallway, room, building)

"I don't like walking down empty streets at night."
(streets, hallways, sidewalks, alleys)

"The empty lot is full of garbage."
(lot, land, shop, building, space)

"His empty stomach made it hard to study."

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