How to Use "Engine" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words engine (n): the part of a machine that produces power so the machine can move; a vehicle that pulls a train


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Used with adjectives:

"This car has a big engine."
(big, small, powerful, loud)

"His car has a diesel engine."
(diesel, gas)

"A large engine pulled the train."
(large, powerful, train)

"This train has a steam engine."
(steam, electric, diesel)

Used with verbs:

"He started the engine."
(start, turned on, fired)

"He turned off the engine so we could hear."
(turned off, shut off, shut down)

"Electricity powers the engine."
(powers, runs)

"He repaired the engine."
(repaired, serviced, tuned, fixed)

"They need to install a new engine."
(install, build)

Used with nouns:

"This car has good engine power."
(power, capacity, speed)

"They looked into the engine room."
(room, compartment)

"Our trip was ruined by engine problems."
(problems, trouble, failure)

"I can't hear you over the engine noise."

Used with prepositions:

"Put some oil in the engine."

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