How to Use "Examine" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words examine (v): to look at something carefully


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Used with adverbs:

"The students carefully examined the samples."
(carefully, closely, thoroughly, fully)

"They briefly examined their options."
(briefly, quickly)

"We need to further examine his claims."
(further, specifically, directly)

"Each item needs to be examined individually."
(individually, separately)

Used with verbs:

"His research seeks to examine the relationship between stress and test scores."
(seeks, aims, attempts)

"They proceeded to examine the samples."
(proceeded, began)

"She stopped to examine a strange plant."

"We will continue to examine the claims."

"They want to examine the candidates more thoroughly before deciding."
(want, wish, hope)

"He failed to examine the correct data."

Used with prepositions:

"They examined the samples for changes."

Used with nouns:

"This study examines the use of alcohol by teens."
(study, research, paper, article, report, survey)

"The scientist examined the samples."
(scientist, doctor, veterinarians)

"They examined the results of the changes."
(results, effects, consequences)

"She examined the relationship between the two items."
(relationship, correlation, difference)

"He carefully examined the situation."
(situation, findings, allegations, data, issue, problem, report)

"The doctor examined the patient."
(patient, wound, x-ray, results)

"He carefully examined the remains."
(remains, body, wreckage, site, surroundings)

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