How to Use "Environment" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words environment (n): the condition that affects the behavior and development of people and things; nature


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Used with adjectives:

"We saw many birds in their natural environment on our trip."

"The local environment needs to be protected."
(local, regional, global)

"The teacher tried to make a safe environment for her students."
(safe, secure, friendly, comfortable, healthy)

"The children's museum is a stimulating environment."
(stimulating, exciting)

"This is not an ideal environment for studying."
(an ideal, the best)

"He works under a very stressful environment."
(stressful, competitive)

"He doesn't like his working environment."
(working, work, office)

"Teachers work hard to create a good learning environment."
(learning, educational, classroom, school)

"The business environment can be stressful."
(business, corporate)

Used with verbs:

"They are trying to protect the environment."
(protect, preserve, save, clean up, improve)

"The oil spill damaged the local environment."
(damaged, harmed, polluted, threatened, hurt)

"The new factory affected the environment greatly."
(affected, impacted)

"They want to create a safe environment for learning."
(create, provide, make)

"The fish adapted to their new environment at the aquarium."
(adapted, adjusted)

"We're trying to change the testing environment."
(change, improve, control, adjust)

"The dog explored its new environment."

Used with prepositions:

"They are measuring the pollution in the environment."

"This is a good environment for learning."

"There was an environment of fear after the attack."

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