How to Use "Entry" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words entry (n): the act of going in a place; the act of taking part in a contest; an item in a list or book


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Used with adjectives:

"The museum offers free entry on Mondays."
(free, half-price)

"The police made a forced entry into the house."

"They were arrested for illegal entry into the building."
(illegal, unauthorized)

"They made a dramatic entry into the room."

"Many people voted for the winning entry."

"Late entries are not allowed."
(late, early)

"She writes a diary entry every night."
(diary, journal, blog)

Used with verbs:

"She applied for entry to the organization."
(applied for, registered for)

"They were granted entry into the building."
(be + granted, be + allowed, be + denied, be + refused)

"She was guaranteed entry into the honors society."
(be + guaranteed)

"The police forced entry into the room."
(forced, gained)

"The locked door prevented entry into the building."
(prevented, blocked, limited, restricted)

"She submitted her entry for the art competition."
(submitted, mailed in, sent in, turned in)

"The contest got many entries."
(got, had, received, attracted)

"They will judge the entries tomorrow."
(judge, evaluate)

"She writes a weekly entry on her blog."
(writes, makes, posts)

"This database contains many entries."
(contains, holds)

Used with nouns:

"The entry requirements for this school are very high."
(requirements, criteria, standards, qualifications)

"Most people need an entry visa to visit China."

"Entry tickets to the museum are included with the tour."
(tickets, passes, fees)

"There are many entry points along the border."

"Wait for me by the entry door."
(door, gate, hall)

"The entry deadline is Friday."
(deadline, due date)

"The entry form must be submitted by Monday."
(form, fees, dues)

Used with prepositions:

"Entry to the club is based on age."

"Entry into the museum is through this door."

"There were many entries in this contest."
(in, for)

"She submitted an entry for the contest."
(for, to)

"She checked the entries on the computer."
(on, in)

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