How to Use "Equipment" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words equipment (n): things needed for a specific purpose


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Used with adjectives:

"The team bought the latest equipment."
(the latest, modern, state-of-the-art, the best)

"This factory contains high-tech equipment."
(high-tech, technical, sensitive)

"The basic equipment was provided to us."
(basic, standard, necessary)

"He needs special equipment to complete this job."

"They had to replace the defective equipment."
(defective, faulty, outdated, old)

"She bought new exercise equipment."
(exercise, gym, sports, gardening, camera, video)

"The school needs new laboratory equipment."
(laboratory, scientific, computer, electronic)

"The city is investing in new communication equipment."
(communication, navigation, radio)

"They are bringing rescue equipment to the disaster site."
(rescue, safety, security)

Used with verbs:

"They purchased new computer equipment."
(purchased, bought, provided, supplied, donated)

"This store sells sports equipment."
(sells, carries, stocks)

"They will install the equipment in the lab."
(install, clean, upgrade, test)

"This game doesn't require extra equipment."
(require, need, call for)

"He needs to learn to operate the equipment."
(operate, use)

"The computer equipment worked this morning."
(worked, malfunctioned, broke)

Used with nouns:

"I had to call the equipment maker for instructions."
(maker, manufacturer, supplier, vender, repairman)

"This store offers equipment rental."

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