How to Use "Equally" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words equally (adv): in the same way


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Used with adjectives:

"Their behavior was equally bad."
(bad, unacceptable)

"He is equally popular as his brother."
(popular, famous, well-known)

"The back-up plan ended up being equally effective."
(effective, acceptable, suitable, valid)

"They are equally responsible for the crime."

"These two tasks are equally important."
(important, critical, valuable, worthy)

"The sequel was equally as exciting as the first movie."
(exciting, interesting, fascinating, spectacular, remarkable)

"The new engine is equally powerful."
(powerful, impressive, large)

Used with verbs:

"The rules equally apply to all students."

"They will equally distribute the food."
(distribute, share, split, divide)

"We all contributed equally to the win."

"They participated equally in the project."

"He always treated people equally."
(treated, valued)

"She spaced the chairs equally around the room."
(spaced, spread, arranged)

"The students will benefit equally from the policy."

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