How to Use "Examination" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words examination (n): a formal test; the act of looking at something carefully


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Used with adjectives:

"They have finished their final examinations."

"He had to take a formal examination before he could graduate."

"She is preparing for her certification examination."
(certification, entrance)

"Each proposal will undergo a close examination."
(close, careful, full, thorough, detailed, in-depth)

"He gave the submissions a brief examination."
(brief, initial)

"The ideas needs further examination."
(further, more, additional)

"She made a scientific examination of the data."
(scientific, visual)

"They did a post-mortem examination of the body."
(post-mortem, forensic, physical)

"The doctor performs many clinical examinations every day."
(clinical, annual, follow-up, routine)

Used with verbs:

"The students are preparing for an important examination."
(be + preparing, be + studying)

"She has to take an entrance examination."
(take, do, complete)

"He failed his examinations."
(failed, passed)

"The teachers will administer the examinations."
(administer, create, make)

"They conducted a forensic examination of the evidence."
(conducted, carried out, did, performed)

"His research will undergo a thorough examination."

"His proposal requires further examination."
(requires, deserves)

"Time restrictions do not allow us a detailed examination."
(allow, permit)

"A detailed examination shows that her results are valid."
(shows, confirms, indicates)

"Further examination revealed that his data is faulty."
(revealed, suggested)

Used with nouns:

"They are trying to change the examination process."
(process, system)

"The teachers are preparing the examination room."
(room, hall)

"Students will receive their examination scores next week."
(scores, grades, results)

Used with prepositions:

"She has an examination in calculus next week."
(in, for)

"They performed an examination on the body."

"His research methods are under examination."

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