How to Use "Excellent" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words excellent (adj): extremely good


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Used with verbs:

"His work is excellent."
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems, appears, sounds, remains)

"This program is considered excellent."
(be + considered)

Used with adverbs:

"Her art is truly excellent."
(truly, absolutely, really, quite, rather, most)

"The service here is generally excellent."
(generally, consistently, apparently, usually)

Used with prepositions:

"He is excellent at solving difficult math problems."

"This example would be excellent for your project."

Used with nouns:

"She made an excellent choice."
(choice, decision, investment, argument, selection, impression)

"This is really excellent coffee."
(coffee, cuisine, champagne, food, wine)

"He gave an excellent speech."
(speech, performance, report, description)

"This is an excellent restaurant."
(restaurant, meal, dinner, bar, pub, museum)

"She is an excellent teacher."
(teacher, chef, cook, player, lawyer, doctor, dancer, musician)

"He works hard on maintaining his excellent health."
(health, shape, condition)

"She has written an excellent article."
(article, report, story, tutorial, presentation, summary)

"He has an excellent memory."
(memory, reputation)

"We are making excellent progress on this project."

"She gave me some excellent advice."
(advice, suggestions, ideas)

"He has excellent hearing despite his age."
(hearing, eyesight, vision, mobility, health)

"I received an excellent education at that school."

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