How to Use "Example" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words example (n): something that is typical or characteristic of a larger group of things; something that shows or supports what is said; a model of good or bad behavior


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Used with adjectives:

"This is a classic example of why you shouldn't do that."
(classic, textbook, prime, typical, practical)

"She is an excellent example of a model student."
(excellent, fine, good, great, perfect, wonderful, inspiring, ideal)

"He provided vivid examples of his work."
(vivid, graphic, dramatic, interesting, visual, photographic)

"These are clear examples of what we want."
(clear, obvious, simple, straightforward, concrete, specific)

"This is not the worst example I've seen."
(worst, best)

"The speaker gave some real-life examples to support her claim."
(real-life, real-world)

"He is a bad example for other students."
(bad, poor)

Used with verbs:

"They gave many examples to support their claims."
(gave, provided, offered, presented, showed, included)

"This report contains many detailed examples."
(contains, includes, shows, illustrates)

"He cited many examples of their failure."
(cited, showed, found)

"She uses many examples in her work."
(uses, includes)

"The examples clearly illustrate the need to make changes."
(illustrate, demonstrate, show, indicate, suggest)

"She tries to set a good example for her younger sister."
(to set, to show, to be)

"We should follow his example."

Used with prepositions:

"For example, she could take the bus to work."

"There are many examples of good architecture in this city."

"The items in this example are not a good representation."

"It is not easy to lead by example."

"He is a good example to his siblings."

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