How to Use "Exercise" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words exercise (n): a set of movements or activities to make or keep the body healthy; a set of questions in school or work that practices skills; the activity of the police or military


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Used with adjectives:

"Climbing the mountain was good exercise."
(good, great)

"He does an hour of hard exercise every day."
(hard, intense, strenuous)

"She starts her day with gentle exercise."
(gentle, light, moderate, basic, simple)

"They try to get regular exercise."
(regular, daily, morning, adequate)

"She prefers outdoor exercise."
(outdoor, indoor, aerobic)

"This is a good mental exercise."
(mental, physical)

"She learned some new breathing exercises."
(breathing, relaxation, strengthening, stretching)

"These are really easy exercises."
(easy, simple, difficult, hard)

"My teacher assigns many written exercises."
(written, practice)

"We will be doing some team-building exercises at work today."
(team-building, role-playing)

"They did two hours of training exercises today."
(training, field, tactical)

"They watched the naval exercises."
(naval, military)

Used with verbs:

"Did you do your exercises?"
(do, finish)

"I need exercise."
(need, want)

"Her doctor recommends 20 minutes of gentle exercise daily."
(recommends, suggests, advises)

"It might be easier to do this exercise while sitting."
(do, perform)

"They tried some relaxation exercises before the test."

"I have to repeat this exercise three times."

"We completed the exercises before class."
(completed, finished, practiced)

"The Navy conducted training exercises this morning."
(conducted, took part in)

Used with nouns:

"She is trying a new exercise routine."
(routine, program, class, session)

"She likes to use an exercise bike."
(bike, ball, mat, video)

"Can you show me how to use this exercise equipment?"
(equipment, machine)

Used with prepositions:

"You should drink plenty of water during exercise."
(during, after, before)

"This has been a valuable exercise in self-control."

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