How to Use "Image" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words image (n): a picture that people have in their minds about someone or something; a picture captured on camera, television, or computer; an exact copy


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Used with adjectives:

"The politician lost the election due to his poor image."
(poor, bad, negative, tarnished)

"Her good image helped her win the election."
(good, positive, clean, perfect)

"That company invested lots of money to improve their corporate image."
(corporate, public, brand)

"People have an unrealistic image of her."
(unrealistic, ideal, mental, visual, popular, distorted, stereotypical)

"She's the splitting image of her mother."
(splitting, mirror)

"The volcanic eruption was a powerful image."
(powerful, dramatic, spectacular, striking, stunning)

"Jurors were warned about disturbing images that would be shown during the trial."
(disturbing, gruesome, horrible, graphic, horrific, violent)

"We chose color images for our wedding album."
(color, black and white, close-up)

"Modern cameras can produce high-resolution images."
(high-resolution, clear, crisp, sharp)

Used with verbs:

"She wants to create a new image for herself."
(create, form)

"He needs to change his public image?"
(change, improve, transform, shed)

"He has maintained the image of an upstanding citizen for many years."
(maintained, kept up, lived up to)

"I have a visual image in my mind."

"He doesn't fit my image of a good husband."

"The images produced on old printers are of poor quality."
(produced, generated, reproduced)

"She captured the image on camera."
(captured, recorded)

"He displayed the wedding images on his website."
(displayed, posted, showed)

"How can I edit the images?"
(edit, print, process, view, store, use, acquire, obtain, scan, download, upload)

Used with prepositions:

"He couldn't remember images from his past."
(from, of)

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