How to Use "Expensive" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words expensive (adj): costing a lot of money; not cheap


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Used with verbs:

"Her new clothes look very expensive."
(look, be: is/am/are, seem)

"The repairs sounded expensive."
(sounded, proved, be: is/am/are)

"Living in this area is becoming very expensive."
(be + becoming, be + getting)

"Having two kids makes shopping expensive."

"I found the trip too expensive."

Used with adverbs:

"They found buying a house extremely expensive."
(extremely, very, fairly)

"Her new shoes were horribly expensive."
(horribly, hugely, incredibly, amazingly, ridiculously)

"This option is only moderately more expensive."
(moderately, a little, slightly)

"Traveling is increasingly expensive."

"A fancy car is an obviously expensive purchase."
(obviously, clearly)

Used with nouns:

"Mistakes can be very expensive."

"That restaurant is too expensive for me."
(restaurant, store, shop, boutique, hotel)

"They brought a very expensive gift to the party."
(gift, present)

"She likes expensive jewelry."
(jewelry, clothes, shoes, perfume, cosmetics, things)

"Golf is an expensive hobby."
(hobby, activity, sport)

"He bought some expensive wine."
(wine, champagne, coffee, food, gadgets, toys)

"That was an expensive purchase."
(purchase, repair)

"She has very expensive taste."

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