How to Use "Experience" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words experience (n): the knowledge or skill gained through doing things; things that have happened to someone; an event or activity


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Used with adjectives:

"They were impressed by his considerable experience in the field."
(considerable, extensive, vast)

"He has little experience using this program."
(little, limited, no)

"She gained good experience through an internship."
(good, valuable, important)

"His work experience is limited."
(work, professional, field)

"Many students had prior experience using the software."
(prior, previous, past, recent)

"We learned about the historical experiences of early settlers."

"She used her personal experiences as inspiration for her writing."
(personal, direct, first-hand, childhood, real-world)

"They bonded over their shared experiences as refugees."
(shared, common)

"I had my students write about their daily experiences."
(daily, everyday)

"The class trip was an enjoyable experience."
(enjoyable, fun, good, great, memorable, interesting, unique)

"Volunteer work is a rewarding experience."
(rewarding, positive, valuable, wonderful, humbling)

"Getting hit by a car was a traumatic experience."
(traumatic, bad, negative, painful, emotional)

"They found the whole experience useless."
(whole, entire, overall)

"We hope the trip will be a good learning experience."
(learning, educational, cultural)

"She told the story of her near-death experience."
(near-death, out-of-body)

"He talked about his trip being a spiritual experience."
(spiritual, religious, mystical)

Used with verbs:

"The students have experience with this topic."
(have, lack)

"She gained experience through volunteer work."
(gained, got, obtained, received)

"The science class offered hands-on experience."
(offered, provided)

"The older students bring experience to the project."

"He wants to broaden his clinical experience."

"She is using her prior experience to help with this project."
(be + using)

"Two students shared similar experiences growing up."
(shared, had)

"He explained the benefits of learning from experience."
(learning from, learning by)

"His new novel is based on childhood experiences."
(be + based on, reflects)

"Previous experience shows that participation is very important in this class."
(shows, suggests)

"She really enjoyed the experience of performing live."

"He went through a traumatic experience last year."
(went through, had)

"They think it will be hard to get over this experience."
(get over, get past, overcome)

"He described the experiences of living in Africa."
(described, discussed, talked about, shared)

"We want to create an unforgettable experience."
(create, offer, provide)

"They are trying to enhance student experiences."
(enhance, improve)

Used with prepositions:

"He knew from experience to not be late for a test."
(from, by)

Study Vocabulary Words experience (v): to do or see something; to have something happen to you


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Used with adverbs:

"She had never actually experienced failure."
(actually, directly, personally)

"They fully experienced a disaster during survival training."
(fully, really)

Used with nouns:

"She experiences a lot of stress before a test."
(stress, anxiety, headaches, nausea)

"He experienced many disasters as a child."
(disasters, tragedies, traumas)

"They experienced a lot of poverty in their home country."
(poverty, racism, fear, discrimination, injustice, suffering, turmoil)

"He is experiencing some fatigue right now."
(fatigue, pain, discomfort, sickness, symptoms)

"They are experiencing frustration over the situation."
(frustration, stress, distress, grief, guilt, pressure)

"He has experienced disappointment many times in his life."
(disappointment, hardship, setbacks)

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