How to Use "Expression" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words expression (n): the look on someone's face; the act of showing feelings or ideas


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Used with adjectives:

"He had a blank expression on his face after hearing the news."
(blank, vacant, horrified, shocked, stunned, surprised)

"She couldn't understand the strange expression on his face."
(strange, curious, odd)

"He maintained a calm expression."
(calm, neutral)

"He could tell from their anxious expressions that they were worried."
(anxious, concerned, troubled, serious)

"I noticed a confused expression on her face and tried to explain."
(confused, baffled, puzzled)

"He had an angry expression on his face after the meeting."
(angry, furious, annoyed, intense)

"His sad expression worries me."
(sad, pained, hurt)

"He wanted his artwork to be a classic expression of beauty."
(classic, visual, natural)

"We have the right to free expression here."

"This project encourages personal expression."
(personal, individual)

"She wants to encourage creative expression by her students."
(creative, artistic, musical, linguistic, cultural, literary)

"The government tried to limit political expression."
(political, religious)

"His verbal expression is very good."
(verbal, oral, written)

"He used a common expression but the students didn't understand."
(common, old)

"I think his favorite expression is 'no'."

Used with verbs:

"The tourist had a confused expression so we tried to help."
(had, wore)

"Their faces showed sad expressions at the news."
(showed, displayed, conveyed)

"I noticed his angry expression and stayed away."
(noticed, saw)

"I couldn't read the expression on her face."
(read, gauge)

"I observed their expressions to see if they understood."
(observed, examined, watched)

"His expression never changed during the movie."

"Her expression grew serious."
(grew, turned, remained)

"His expression softened around his daughter."
(softened, relaxed)

"Her expression hardened as she got angry."
(hardened, darkened)

"His expression easily shows his feelings."
(shows, reveals)

"His expression suggests he understands."

"A confused expression appeared on his face."

"He always uses the strangest expressions."

"I've only heard that expression from my grandma."

"That expression means 'good luck'."

Used with prepositions:

"She made her statement without expression."

"His frustration went beyond expression."

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