How to Use "Feeling" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words feeling (n): an emotional sense; awareness; physical sensation


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Used with adjectives:

"I had a strong feeling it wasn't going to end well."
(strong, overwhelming, nagging, definite)

"I had a strange feeling that someone was watching."
(strange, uncomfortable, uneasy)

"Winning was such a good feeling."
(good, great)

"It was such a nice feeling to be home again."
(nice, warm, comfortable)

"She got a bad feeling when she entered the room."
(bad, horrible, sick, terrible)

"I have a weird feeling about this place."
(weird, funny, odd)

"A familiar feeling came to her when she saw him."

"My gut feeling is that something is wrong."
(gut, instinctive, natural)

"There is a widespread feeling of fear right now."
(widespread, general)

"The popular feeling is that he's guilty."
(popular, public)

"She has deep feelings about the subject."
(deep, intense, strong, mixed)

"He expressed genuine feelings for her."
(genuine, true, real)

"They have positive feelings toward their teacher."
(positive, negative, bad, hostile)

"She expressed warm feelings toward her grandmother."
(warm, tender, loving)

"He never reveals his innermost feelings."
(innermost, inner, real, true, personal)

Used with verbs:

"He got a strange feeling he was being watched."
(got, had, felt)

"His response gave her a strange feeling."

"She couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in her stomach."
(shake, get rid of)

"She likes the feeling of uncertainty."
(likes, enjoys, loves)

"I hate the feeling that I'm going to fail."
(hate, be + afraid of)

"An uneasy feeling came over her."
(came over)

"She experienced deep feelings of remorse."
(experienced, felt, suffered)

"He was developing feelings for her."
(be + developing, be + having)

"He doesn't like to express his feelings."
(express, show, reveal, share)

"She confessed her feelings of doubt."
(confessed, voiced, admitted)

"They discussed their feelings about the topic."
(discussed, explained, described)

"He ignores his feelings for her."
(ignores, denies, hides, holds back, represses)

"Did I hurt your feelings?"

"We are trying to spare her feelings."
(spare, protect)

"Unfortunately my feelings were not returned."
(returned, reciprocated)

"His insensitivity created feelings of anger by those around him."
(created, caused, stirred up)

"He lost feeling in his legs."

"She hopes to regain feeling in her hand."

"You never understand my feelings."

"She needs time to sort out her feelings about the breakup."
(sort out, address)

Used with prepositions:

"I had a bad feeling about our new neighbor."

"There is a general feeling of panic in the city."

"She still has feelings for her ex-boyfriend."

"They have strong feelings on that topic."

"She spoke with strong feelings about her past struggles."

"He lost feeling in his feet from the cold."

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